Standard Massage
Does your back hurt from sitting for a long time at work? Do you spend the whole day on your feet and it hurts? Do you have strained or stiff muscles and need a pain relief? Then this massage is the right choice for you!
Kinesio taping
Have you experienced an injury and would you like to relieve pain or improve joint stability?
Do you have acute or chronic pain?
Kinesio tape could help you!
Man. lymphatic drainage
Do you suffer from swollen feet? Do you have a feeling of heavy legs or general watery body? Would you like to support immunity and overall detoxication of your body? You are on the right website then!
Cupping Therapy
Do you suffer from stiff muscles that even a standard massage did not help you with? Are you longing for intense muscle relaxation ?
You don´t mind if the bulb marks will still be visible after few days after the massage?